Cardinal Poster
Cardinal Poster by Bebops

Colors thrill my soul and enrich my life! I decided to create a blog featuring a different color every day. Using my original photographs and designs I have created so many colorful products for my online store, Bebop's Place, and want to share them here. I am also constantly amazed at the fantastic rainbow of products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of them as well. I am hoping viewers, in discovering this blog, will enjoy and possibly purchase some of these lovely items.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


This artistic stretched canvas print features a neon green and black abstract pattern based on the lovely design of a begonia leaf. It almost resembles a radioactive spider!

This cute IPad sleeve features a detailed photograph of a female green cricket sitting on the leaf of a Sunflower. The photograph was taken using macro photography to show this fascinating insect and its environment in the finest detail.

Store all of your pattern pieces and instructions in handy Quilt Pattern Binders. Artwork by Cheryl Seslar/


  1. Thank you for including my cricket. Your canvas looks beautiful.

  2. Thank you for including Visages sunset and sunrise photography! Your blog features beautiful gifts from many very talented people.
