Keep track of the date with this cool animal 2019 calendar plaque which features beautiful golden brown horses in the yellow sun. The text can be easily personalized.
This fine art iPhone X case features lovely pale white, gold, yellow and pink hellebore flowers surrounded by green foliage to form an antique, vintage impression. Hellebores are one of the first plants to bloom in the early spring garden. In the English speaking world this evergreen perennial flower is known as the Lenten Rose but they are not roses at all. They are actually of the Butter Cup family. Their flowers bloom during the Easter celebration of Lent. They are also sometimes called the Christmas Rose. What a lovely gift for gardeners!
A Trendy and Beautiful French Country Bathroom Towel Set Done In A Yellow Background With Blue Flowers.
This exquisite glass paperweight features an abstract pattern of exquisite yellow rose petals. The petals range in color from pale yellow through gold to a deep orange. What a lovely gift for gardeners!
This mesmerizing pillow is decorated with a mosaic mandala star in brilliant autumn colors. It is contained in a deep purple maroon circle. Orange and red circles on a field of yellow surround the center target. The very center is green.
Personalized notebook with a cute pink owl on a yellow background with a gold decorative frame
This great piece of luggage presents a design of lovely Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in colors of orange, yellow, gold, black, brown and white. The fabulous markings resemble an artistic abstract pattern. What a wonderful idea for an entomologist or butterfly enthusiast!
This floor mat features beautiful orange, yellow, red and gold sunflowers in an abstract pattern against a gold and yellow background. What a great idea for gardeners!
Be Quiet Emoji Emoticon Cartoon Face Mouse Pad

Cardinal Poster by Bebops
Colors thrill my soul and enrich my life! I decided to create a blog featuring a different color every day. Using my original photographs and designs I have created so many colorful products for my online store, Bebop's Place, and want to share them here. I am also constantly amazed at the fantastic rainbow of products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of them as well. I am hoping viewers, in discovering this blog, will enjoy and possibly purchase some of these lovely items.
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