Cardinal Poster
Cardinal Poster by Bebops

Colors thrill my soul and enrich my life! I decided to create a blog featuring a different color every day. Using my original photographs and designs I have created so many colorful products for my online store, Bebop's Place, and want to share them here. I am also constantly amazed at the fantastic rainbow of products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of them as well. I am hoping viewers, in discovering this blog, will enjoy and possibly purchase some of these lovely items.

Monday, December 31, 2018


This wonderful single page wall calendar poster features a tufted titmouse. He is a cheerful little gray bird with an echoing voice, common in forests and a frequent visitor to feeder. He has large black eyes, small bill and brushy crest.

This beautiful tote bag will dazzle you with gorgeous white gladiola flowers. The ruffled petals stand out against a black background. Perfect for gardeners and all flower lovers!

Awaken a smile in yourself or your friends with this sweet little kitty shirt. Change the text and write your kitty's name by clicking "Customize". You can even remove the text. The perfect gift for any feline-lover.

This 2019 calendar mousepad features the male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, a striking bird with a brilliant rose breast contrasted by black and white feathers and a strong blocky beak. He is a songbird with a wonderful melody.

Here is an adorable iPhone X wallet case featuring cute African Penguins standing on a rocky ledge. Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds whose wings have become flippers. Each has a black stripe and black spots on the chest. The pattern of spots is unique for every bird, just like human fingerprints.

Funny Black Cat Cartoon Falling down a Wall - or a Curtain - and Scratching it all!

This mug features an artistic, black and white abstract pattern of the top of a tulip tree in winter with bare branches in silhouette. The design is repeated on the left and right sides.

This very cool wall clock presents a lacrosse player in black silhouette.

Geometric diamond pattern, softened by swirls and line breaks, that has a mid-century modern vibe. Looks dazzling here in crisp black, white and gray scale.

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