Cardinal Poster
Cardinal Poster by Bebops

Colors thrill my soul and enrich my life! I decided to create a blog featuring a different color every day. Using my original photographs and designs I have created so many colorful products for my online store, Bebop's Place, and want to share them here. I am also constantly amazed at the fantastic rainbow of products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of them as well. I am hoping viewers, in discovering this blog, will enjoy and possibly purchase some of these lovely items.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


This lovely Sherpa blanket features a goldfinch sitting on the branch of an apple tree. The pink blossoms are just about to open. Soft green foliage is in the background.

Here is a lively bath towel design with a playful geometric abstract pattern of overlapping colored hexagons in shades of green, yellow, blue, turquoise and chartreuse.

Gypsea creates art for coastal beach living to home decor. This tile can be used in a bathrooms, kitchens, kid's bedrooms and as a coaster. Use as an art form on a wall of beach mementos or liven up your desk to bring the beach to you.

This wonderful file folder set is a celebration of summer in the flower garden. A scarecrow overlooks pink sweet peas, yellow sunflowers, purple ageratum, pink dahlias, orange brown rudbeckias, plus nicotiana, zinnias and nasturtiums in a rainbow of colors. All are surrounded by lovely green foliage. The inside of each folder is a different shade of green. Perfect for gardeners and flower lovers!

A closeup of a green hosta leaf is featured on this fine art photography botanical poster. The veins create a circular spiral abstract pattern. The recent rain has deposited water droplets and the raindrops reflect the light. This plant is also known as funkia, plantain lily or giboshi (in Japan). What a great idea for a gardener or nature lover!

Are you in search of a extraordinary gift for your loved ones this Christmas? Look no further, MissRhoadie1981 has the perfect gift for you. This pet themed snow globe features a beautiful golden doodle placeholder photo surrounded by a yellow and green wreath. Purchase yours today! Puppy by: brookelstone Wreath by: AMBillustrations

This iPhone X case invites you to a peaceful rural country scene. The summer heat is on but it is cool and shady in the woods. Take a walk on this lovely woodland path through the green, leafy forest. Enjoy the white wildflowers along the way.

This simple yet decorative throw blanket features the incredible luna moth, a lime-green, Nearctic Saturniid moth in the subfamily Saturniinae set on a black background. With a wingspan of up to four and a half inches, this lovely creature ranks as one of the largest moths in North America. This adult moth has just emerged from the cocoon and is waiting on the bark of a tree trunk to dry and harden. The adults do not eat or have mouths. They live for only one week and emerge as adults only to mate. With lime green color and distinctive eyespots this is a very mysterious, magical looking being.

Stunning bright lime green, orange and blue abstract texture pattern print cushion, printed on both sides with Saguaro Cactus grooves and spines texture. An original image by Jo Rymell.

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